This year’s seasonal influenza vaccine has arrived! (2022/23)


This year’s seasonal influenza vaccine has arrived! We strongly recommend you and your child be vaccinated against the flu (influenza): injections or nasal spray. Those above 60 have a more effective version.


Children above 2 years old, and those who do not have a current or a history of wheezing, or a suppressed immune system can get an intranasal spray flu vaccine if they do not want to get injections. 


Flublok is a recombinant flu vaccine that is highly recommended for people over 60 years old.

It does not contain egg protein so people who are allergic to eggs can also be vaccinated!

Please call our staff at  2526 6332 for more information.

Whstapp/Wechat:   9877 1662

Email:   [email protected]

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