Dear patient/parent/friends,Please note the updated list of target vaccination groups for COVID-19 vaccine as announced on 15 March:Anyone above 18 years of age who are:(a) Persons aged 30 years or above (up to two persons accompanying persons aged 70 years or above may receive vaccination together);(b) Personnel in healthcare settings and those participating in anti-epidemic related work;(c) Residents and staff of residential care homes for the elderly / persons with disabilities;(d) Personnel maintaining critical public services; and(e) Personnel performing cross-boundary related work.(f) Staff of food and beverages premises, markets, supermarkets, convenience stores, couriers and takeaway delivery (including takeaway food delivery)(g) Staff of local public transport service operators (e.g. taxi/bus/public light bus drivers, train captains and station staff)(h) Registered construction workers(i) Staff of property management (e.g. security guards and cleaning and security staff)(j) Teachers and school staff (e.g. teaching and support staff of kindergartens, primary and secondary schools and universities; staff of special schools; and drivers and escorts of school buses and school private light buses)(k) Staff in the tourism industry(l) Staff of scheduled premises under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F) (e.g. staff of fitness centres and beauty parlours)(m) Students aged over 16 studying abroad (>18 for Sinovac)(n ) Domestic helpersIf you are eligible, you’re encouraged to take up the vaccine. Please call our clinic at 2526 6332, email, or message us via WhatsApp or WeChat to make an appointment. The service is entirely free. Doctors of Children at 818 |