
  • 肛瘻管切除
  • 盲腸切除
  • 割包皮
  • 結腸鏡檢查
  • 內視鏡逆行性膽胰造影術
  • 食道鏡檢查 / 胃鏡檢查
  • 血管瘤切除
  • 胃底折疊術
  • 腹股溝疝 (小腸氣)
  • 包皮重整 (陰莖陷入)



  • 膀胱尿道鏡檢查
  • 斷腎盂成形術
  • 經尿道膀胱切除
  • 腎切除
  • 睾丸切除
  • 睪丸固定
  • 恥骨上導管嵌插
  • 泌尿動力測試
  • 輸尿管再植
  • 尿道成形術
  • 陰莖屈曲矯形

常見問題 Q&A

Yes. Any child who is still wetting his/her bed after the age of 5 years should seek medical advice. It is best to treat early as research has shown that children with bedwetting may have an adverse reaction on their self-image, have more depressive symptoms, may have disturbed sleep and can affect their cognitive ability.

Dr.Jennifer DY Silhoe

This will depend on the severity or frequency of bedwetting at the time of consultation. The mainstay of treatment is medical treatment but may also involve behavioural therapy, urotherapy with biofeedback / electrical nerve stimulation, use of an enuretic alarm and occasionally minor surgical procedures. The period of treatment is case-dependent but at the end of treatment, the child is expected to be off all medication. For treatment details, it is best to discuss with your doctor.


Dr. Jennifer DY Sihoe

Although some bedwetters do get better themselves as they get older, this tends to occur mainly in those with infrequent wetting of less than 1-2 nights per week. Research has shown that around 2.1% of adults have problems of persistent bedwetting from childhood if left untreated and those children with frequent wetting of 3 or more nights per week are more likely to have persistent problems of wetting into adulthood.


Dr. Jennifer DY Sihoe